Bespoke Handmade Bow Ties for Groomsmen

As the summer continues, we’ve been working on some more wedding commissions! Bow ties are something we’ve always wanted to offer so what better than to provide for a previous client, who’d asked us to create his art deco invitations.
You may well recognise this (art) ‘Deco’ pattern from our Bespoke Wedding Invitations post and it was lovely to be asked to utilise it again. From our customer’s point of view it made sense to re-use the pattern, seeing as he’d already paid us to create it for his invitations. He therefore asked us to print it onto fabric and make 5 bow ties for him and his groomsmen, whilst adding a new ‘mushroom’ colourway into the mix. (If we may say so ourselves, we think the mushroom colourway complemented the Groom’s olive, tweed suit perfectly!)
Luckily, we’d discovered a wonderful, digital printing company, based in Wood Green, London, called Lemon Head Prints. They found us on social media and wanted to connect so we arranged to meet up with them at a trade show and discuss the requirements of the bow tie fabric.
We have to hand it them, they did an excellent job! Not only do they cater for very small fabric runs, (such as one-off commissions like this), but they also take the time to experiment with the colour, creating test print after test print until it’s just right. This is precisely the service we need to match the type of business we offer – a colour can make or break a product but it was printed beautifully and looked fantastic with the colour of the suits :)
Clissold House in Stoke Newington, London was our client’s wedding venue, which created a stunning backdrop for his ceremony. This eighteenth century mansion house, with it’s beautiful, spiral staircase complemented the Bride and Groom’s wedding photos perfectly and you may well have guessed that it inspired the design in their wedding invitations too ;)
We think the bride looked utterly spectacular in her wonderful and alternatively non-white gown! Plus the groom and his groomsmen looked very handsome too. Thanks to the sunny weather and the bride’s uncle, Mr Trevor Needham, there were some great photos taken of the day, some of which, we’ve been lucky enough to use.
And did you know…not only can we provide the fabric design for your bow ties or ties but we can also provide new colourways of our existing fabrics, or source fabrics from different brands, in order to suit your needs – pardon the pun ;)
We’ve received a number of wedding tie commissions, one of which, to provide our Figaro handmade silk tie in a new blue and pink colourway – as opposed to the original blue and orange colours that are available from our shop. The blue and pink option was actually the original colourway when the pattern was first created and as it would work better against the colours of the Father-of-the-Bride’s suit, we arranged for the new fabric to printed and the tie to be made especially.
Furthermore, another client approached us, with little time to spare, and in need of a tie to match a suit he had recently bought for a wedding. He was looking for something a little more unusual so we took a trip to a highly revered and local fabric shop, Ray Stitch, in order to select something suitable, that can’t be found anywhere. We thought the splash design worked especially well with his mid to dark blue suit. The design is superb, plus we cut the fabric especially so that the print would run down the middle of the tie. Whilst we were there we also selected some denim-look chambray as a slightly less ‘out there’ option, just in case he decided to go with a more low-key look on the day. His thoughts were that he’d be wearing the suit again and again so he may as well commission another tie to go with it, whilst creating a fresh look easily!
If you would like any further information about our bespoke services or our handmade ties and bow ties, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We’d be more than happy to cater for your needs, no matter how specific they are, and we’ll be able to advise you on a number of options to suit your budget.
Have a wonderful Summer and enjoy any weddings you’re attending – if you have a number of them to go to this year. Oooh and don’t forget you can follow us on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter if you’d like to keep in touch with all our latest goings on!
9th February 2018Hello ,
I saw your tweet about animals and thought I will check your website. I like it!
I love pets. I have two beautiful thai cats called Tammy(female) and Yommo(male). Yommo is 1 year older than Tommy. He acts like a bigger brother for her. :)
I have even created an Instagram account for them ( ) and probably soon they will have more followers than me (kinda funny).
I wanted to subscribe to your newsletter, but I couldn’t find it. Do you have it?
Keep up the good work on your blog.
Katrina Wight
9th February 2018Dear Wiki,
Thank you for your lovely comments and I’m glad you like my website. Your cats sounds great! I’ll definitely check out their Instagram feed! I’m afraid I am now studying and it’s becoming more than part time involvement. This means that I have very limited time now to work on The Kat & Monocle, except for generating online sales and keeping in contact with my customers. I am therefore not currently sending newsletters as it’s just me managing everything, however I’ll save your email address to my list of contacts and should I be able to generate newsletters in future again, I’ll put you on there.
Sorry for any inconvenience but thanks again for your interest and please feel free to follow The Kat & Monocle via the following:;;
Many thanks again!